Oh Summer time and the livin’ is easy!

Impressed Platter

Oh Summer time and the livin’ is easy!

….Said no mother to boys ever!!

We’ve had an amazing start to the summer with a family wedding and now the school holidays. I shall be taking some time off however not to worry Avril or I will be available in the studio and it should be business as usual for most of the summer!

However if you do have a custom order for a summer wedding please get it in as soon as possible!

3 Simple Steps

  1. Add the Custom piece to your basket

  2. Write chosen text to the comments section in the checkout.

  3. Add the date you required the piece to the comments section (3-6 weeks lead time)

Custom made pieces take from 3 to 6 weeks due to the processes involved in producing ceramics. I am always happy to work to your deadlines if they are achievable. I will contact you if any changes or amendments are required or if making your piece isn’t achievable in the time available.




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