Fire up the Barbie

Hopefully, you’ve got the weather for a BBQ but even if it’s bucketing down, the Irish have by now adapted to having the grill and oven on just in case. Be honest, it’s rare when you get to cook and eat the food outside, but whether you’ve cooked on charcoal or in the kitchen oven, serving those barbecued eats and sides on my tableware will tie the whole thing together to quote the Big Lebowski.

I tend to pile the skewered stuff onto the Impressed Serving Boards, dips and crudites in the Home Comfort bowls and the burger buns onto the Impressed Plates and let everyone tuck in. The little dishes are great for condiments and don’t forget some salads in the largest bowls.

The impressed patterns are from vintage wallpaper moulds and the Home Comforts range’s lacy pattern with the simple house illustration is timeless.

Happy barbecuing!

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